Specifications common to Screw type and Slip type

Screw type Item No. Complete Top Bottom Slip
type Item No.
Approx. wt. lb. Ext. Range Length T Approx. wt. lb. Length B Approx. Wt. lb.
VB261 60 18-22 10 35 15 25 VB461
VB262 80 27-37 16 45 24 35 VB462
VB264 90 39-49 16 45 36 45 VB464
VB266 110 39-59 26 65 36 45 VB466
VB267 135 51-71 26 65 48 70 VB467
VB268 145 63-83 26 65 60 80 VB468


1. Interchangeable with major national brands
2. Lids are marked ‘Water’. Lids marked ‘Sewer’ or ‘Gas’ are available separately.
3. Valve Box lids all have the longer 2″ skirts!
4. Valve Box extensions and risers are available for use with these Valve Boxes.

Cast Iron Valve Boxes, 3-piece Screw Type

Item No. Valve Box complete Top section Bottom section
Ext. Range (in) Approx. Wt. lb. Length T (in) Approx. Wt. lb Length B (in) Approx. Wt. lb.
VB630A 27-31 90 10 35 12 20
VB630AA 33-42 105 16 45 18 25
VB630B 39-49 110 16 45 24 30
VB630C 45-54 115 16 45 30 35
VB630CC 51-60 120 16 45 36 40
VB630D 45-66 135 26 65 30 35
VB630DD 51-72 140 26 65 36 40
VB630E 63-72 145 16 45 48 65
VB630F 63-84 165 26 65 48 65
VB630G 74-94 175 26 65 60 75

Pricing for these municipal castings may vary depending on shipment destination and volume of your order.

Please call for your NET price.